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Little Adventures | London

Clear skies, interesting people and streets full of activity all in the scenery of a beautiful city. A perfect opportunity for some street photography.

I am now becoming more and more comfortable with street photography since venturing with my canon into Oxford a few times. I'm still yet to venture into little Banbury however. The probability of bumping into someone I know without my 'I'm not a stalker, I'm just a photographer, no joke, don't kill me' badge is just too high. I may sound paranoid, but I'm from a very small town where everyone knows everyone and everyone knows everyones business. We're probanly all be related.

I have a love / hate relationship with London. I love visiting the city, and I do on a regular basis for work and social meetings. I love that there is always something to do and new places to see. Of course I also love all the lovely theatres, from 5,000 seated theatres on the West End to the 86 seaters above a little pub, all buzzing with theatre makers of all art forms. Then I soon begin to get the busy streets, being pushed from side to side, following each other like a heard of sheep. People on the tube after 8pm are weird (even me!) and I can accept the prices in London until I see someone pay £5 for a Pale Ale….IN A TINY CAN! No London, just no.

For this trip a used my 50mm lens on Av setting. I wanted to concentrate on my focus point in my images, so setting my camera to Av allowed my shutter speed and ISO to adjust itself accordingly. The only difficulty about this trip was timing. Usually if I was on my own I would happily wait in a location for up to half an hour in order to get the perfect shot, but because I was with my family we were always on the move so there were a couple of missed moments. Still this beautiful city never fails to provide a photographer with plenty of moments to capture.

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